Monday, May 12, 2008

Let's Move!

Yes, I have been avoiding the blog. I have been avoiding it because my real estate life has been so painful that I did not want to commit it to written words. Actually, I still don't feel like chronicling it, so I might start elsewhere.

How about here...Mom lost her hair this last week. It was starting to fall out last time I wrote and it continued at a pretty steady pace. Mom and Dad spent some time online and found great hats and scarfs, many of them free trade. On Wednesday last week my Dad cut Mom's hair really short for her. It looked good that way, quite butch. Also, it made less of a mess coming out. Then on Thursday her hats arrived in the mail. Friday Dad shaved her head and she has been seen styling her cool hats and scarfs ever since. I doubt that we will ever see her in a wig.

On Saturday we all went up to Portland to see my brother Jeremiah and sister in-law Nan and deliver them a truck load of hand me down toys. Nan is due TODAY and we all eagerly await the arrival of baby Sam. We were happy to see them and happy to pass along all these baby and toddler toys that were hanging out in our attics, but now need a new home since we are leaving our attics. It is nice when people accept your stuff!

Today was a big day in our real estate life. The first big thing is that Steve and I decided to give the people buying our house everything they wanted from us just so that we could have peace of mind and get on with our deal. Some people might think this stupid of us, but really we did not have the heart or the energy for the real estate game. We just want to move on and little bits of money are not worth our energy! We will have more than enough money to do what we want to do and we are lucky to be able to say that. The second big thing is that Mom, Dad, Steve, Maya, Elias, and I all spent an hour and a half down at the title company making our ownership of the Buchanan St. house official. We did it!

So. let's talk about moving. We will have a pre moving party this Thursday afternoon in order to get some of the large items onto a truck and get a head start on moving day. If you are strong and able to help us lift some of our largest items on this day please let someone in the family know. Then this Saturday May 17 we will do our very best to move two households into one. Everyone that wants to help out is invited. The moving will start at 9:00 am and continue into the afternoon. Show up at 1555 NW Buchanan Ave or 1415 NW Dixon St or 1835 NW Division Pl and there will be something you can do. Like I said before, some light cleaning of Division Pl would be very helpful in order to get it ready for an open house that Sunday.

That is all for now. Real estate has worn me out for today and it is time for me to go to bed. Thank you again to all the people who are helping us at this time in our lives. Thank you for all the food and boxes and offers of help. Thank you in advance to all the people who are going to help us move.

Good Night,


Teresa S. said...

Emily and Family,

My heart goes out to you in these trying times. My only words of wisdom are kind of corny, but have helped me through a lot. 'This too shall pass.' Some things in life we are just meant to endure, and if you can make it through with the help of friends and family (of which you were blessed in abundance), you learn to not sweat the small stuff.

Be well, and see you Saturday!


Lauri Morris said...

Sounds like things are moving right along. I don't blame you for giving the buyers what they want... you have to choose your battles. I think you made a wise choice. See you all on Saturday!

Bless you.